For administrative and/or authorized personnel only, allow them the ability to text you a specific taxi vehicle number and, if authorized, they will automatically be sent back the driver’s full name and phone number via text for them to communicate with that driver. If you have driver coaches who do not have access to your dispatch platform, or if you want to make the process of finding out driver information more convenient, this module is ideal for you.
Module Features
- Authorized Users Only
This module will only reply to specific users by way of identifying the incoming phone number. If the phone number is on the allowed list, the module will send the driver details back to that phone number. If the phone number is not on the allowed list, the request will be ignored. - # or No #
The authorized user can text in the taxi number with or without the # in front of it and the system will respond with the same information. This makes training easier for the people who need to use the tool.
- Custom Formats
The system can respond with simple information such as the driver’s name and phone number, or it can also include other details such as the vehicle information and more. - Logged Requests
All authorized requests made through this module are logged for reference. This will include the phone number who requested the information, date/time, and the taxi number they requested details about. This allows you to reference and monitor the activity of the personnel requesting these details.